The Resume Revamp Program

Want a resume designed to help you stand out in the competitive application pool? The Alvita Coaching, Resume Revamp Program has helped 50+ job seekers transform their experiences into effective, SEO-optimized artifacts designed to help your application resonate with your dream employers.

What’s included

Alvita Coaching Resume Revamp Program

In this program, we will create 2 versions of your resume, leveraging the highly-effective, text-based, ©Alvita Coaching Resume Template.

  • Base Package: We will collaborate on 2 versions of your resume, a comprehensive CV and a one-page resume. Both versions will leverage the highly-effective, text-based ©Alvita Coaching Resume Template, designed for use in a variety of industries. ($300)

  • [Add-On] LinkedIn Optimization: Receive a guide for how to use your new resume content to optimize your LinkedIn presence and stand out in your application process. Receive a LinkedIn review with personalized recommendations. ($150)

  • [Add-On] Graphic Resume: Receive a beautiful graphic resume designed to leverage your personal brand and help you stand out in a competitive application pool. ($400)

  • Full Resume Revamp Package: Receive all of the services above and be ready to standout in the competitive application pool. ($700)

This Program is Perfect For You If… 

Your need your a fantastic resume quickly

Our resume revamp program is a one-week program, designed so you can an impactful, effective, resume within 5 business days.

You want your resume to be seen by humans & Robots

All resumes are SEO optimized and AWS scanned so your experience will be seen by both humans and scanning software.

You Want to leverage your personal brand to stand out in a competitive job market

We create graphic resumes designed to beautifully represent your personal brand and help you standout in the applicant pool.

What they’re saying.

Create a Resume That Gets Noticed

Leverage your personal brand, make a lasting impression, and stand out in a competitive application pool with the Resume Revamp Program.